Psychology Exam Prep

DAL Logo with an image of a labyrinth and a Psi (psychology) symbol in the center. Psychology Exam Prep with DAL below in text
Psychology Exam Prep with DAL

Our Psychology prep program is different. To put it simply: we keep your time sacred while focusing your review only on the the concepts you don’t know. We focus your psychology exam prep using adaptive learning and three key principles of psychology: Reinforcement, Competition and the Testing Effect. This makes our product one of a kind.

Humans aren’t robots, we are complex biopsychosocial beings. However, scientists like B.F. Skinner establishes some significant scientific rules about how and why humans learn and behave in certain ways. This behavioral approach, called operant conditioning, shaped modern society. From the way cars motivate us to put on our seat belts to the techniques popular apps use to increase interactions, modern human learning is based on techniques Skinner developed. At DAL, we don’t shy away from this fact. In fact, our company has a science-forward mission and we use these principles to help you learn better and faster.

At DAL, we know that maximized performance comes from appropriate competition. Essentially, we do our best when competing against others with similar skills and goals. This is an application of a behavioral law called The Yerkes-Dodson Law. Therefore, we encourage healthy competition, with yourself and between others in your exam cohort through badges, trophies and competitions.

Click here to contact us and learn how we can help you achieve your psychology exam goal.

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